Protect private pages hosted on Heroku by authenticating with Github using Flask-Dance. Also, attack rabbits.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

93 lines
3.4 KiB

# github-heroku-attack-rabbits
## What's this business all about, then?
This repository helps you put access control into place to protect your secret pages by (deep breath):
6 years ago
hosting your secret page of static and/or dynamic content by using a free Heroku app
running a Python Flask server that uses Flask-Dance to authenticate visitors
6 years ago
with Github using OAuth which allows you fine-grained access control for your pages
using user attributes like organization or team membership or even things like how many
vowels a user has in their username.
Also, did I mention the attack rabbits?
![warning: attack rabbits ahead](img/warning.png)
## Where is everything?
Final pages:
* The finished product (pages on Heroku protected by attack rabbits)
is at [](
* The documentation is at [](
Two branches in this repo compose the github-heroku-attack-rabbits documentation:
* (**YOU ARE HERE**) The [docs]( branch
contains the files needed to generate the
[github-heroku-attack-rabbits documentation site](
* The [gh-pages]( branch
contains the static files generated from the documentation.
The contents of this branch compose the
[github-heroku-attack-rabbits documentation site](
Two branches illustrate github-heroku-attack-rabbits in practice:
* The [secret]( branch contains the files needed to create the secret page.
This repository is public, so obviously these aren't *actually* secret,
but in practice this would be in a protected repository.
* The [heroku-pages]( branch
contains the content that is actually pushed to Heroku - that is,
the final Flask app.
## Contents
An overview of the steps:
[Get Started with Heroku](
[Get Started with Github](
[Initialize Repository: Branches](
[Create a Flask App using Flask-Dance](
* [Authenticate users based on Github membership only](
* [Authenticate users based on organization or team membership](
* [Authenticate users based on some other criteria](
* [Protection portions of the site](
[Test Flask App Locally](
[Deploying Flask App to Heroku](
[Custom Domains](
## Links
Python software used:
* [Flask](
* [Flask-dance](
* [Flask-dance-github](
* [mkdocs-material (documentation theme)](
* [mkdocs (documentation)](
Commercial services:
* [Heroku](
* [Github](
## License
This is released under the [WTFPL](