# github-heroku-attack-rabbits ## What's this business all about, then? This repository helps you protect your secret pages by (deep breath): hosting your secret page of static and/or dynamic content using a free Heroku app running a Python Flask server that uses Flask-Dance to authenticate visitors with Github which allows you fine-grained access control over your pages based on user attributes like organization or team membership or even things like how many repositories a user has or how many vowels are in their username. Also, did I mention the attack rabbits? ![warning: attack rabbits ahead](docs/img/warning.png) ## Where is everything? Final pages: * The finished product (pages on Heroku protected by attack rabbits) is at [github-heroku-attack-rabbits.herokuapp.com](https://github-heroku-attack-rabbits.herokuapp.com) * The documentation is at [pages.charlesreid1.com/github-heroku-attack-rabbits](https://pages.charlesreid1.com/github-heroku-attack-rabbits) Two branches in this repo compose the github-heroku-attack-rabbits documentation: * (**YOU ARE HERE**) The [docs](https://git.charlesreid1.com/charlesreid1/github-heroku-attack-rabbits/src/branch/docs) branch contains the files needed to generate the [github-heroku-attack-rabbits documentation site](https://pages.charlesreid1.com/github-heroku-attack-rabbits). * The [gh-pages](https://git.charlesreid1.com/charlesreid1/github-heroku-attack-rabbits/src/branch/gh-pages) branch contains the static files generated from the documentation. The contents of this branch compose the [github-heroku-attack-rabbits documentation site](https://pages.charlesreid1.com/github-heroku-attack-rabbits). Two branches illustrate github-heroku-attack-rabbits in practice: * The [secret](https://git.charlesreid1.com/charlesreid1/github-heroku-attack-rabbits/src/branch/secret) branch contains the files needed to create the secret page. This repository is public, so obviously these aren't *actually* secret, but in practice this would be in a protected repository. * The [heroku-pages](https://git.charlesreid1.com/charlesreid1/github-heroku-attack-rabbits/src/branch/heroku-pages) branch contains the content that is actually pushed to Heroku - that is, the final Flask app. ## Where do I start? See the [documentation](https://pages.charlesreid1.com/github-heroku-attack-rabbits) or [docs/index.md](docs/index.md). ## License This is released under the [WTFPL](LICENSE).