site_name: This Is The Secret Site site_url: repo_name: charlesreid1/github-heroku-attack-rabbits repo_url: edit_uri: "" # Note: normally this whole branch/repo would be secret, # otherwise everyone could bypass your attack rabbits # by simply browsing your repository. pages: - 'Index' : '' - 'Fish Slapping': '' - 'Silly Walks': '' copyright: 'Copyright © 2018 Charles Reid, released under the WTFPL.

Many Bothans died to bring us this documentation.

' docs_dir: secret_docs site_dir: site/content theme: name: null custom_dir: 'mkdocs-material/material' # pretty colors! see palette: primary: 'teal' accent: 'teal' logo: 'img/bunny.png' ### # fun logos! see ### logo: ### icon: 'lock' font: text: 'Questrial' code: 'Roboto Mono' # this will add docs/css/custom.css to all your docs extra_css: - css/custom.css