Labeled Faces in the Wild dataset, converted to fuel
Tom White 857dfb43bb First README 10 years ago
example First README 10 years ago
lfw_fuel First README 10 years ago First README 10 years ago added for optional installing 10 years ago

LFW dataset, converted to fuel

Labeled Faces in the Wild is a database of face photographs designed for studying the problem of unconstrained face recognition.

This project currently packages the pairsDevTrain / pairsDevTest image sets into a fuel compatible dataset along with targets to indicate whether the pairs are same or different. In addition to the original lfw dataset, conversion is supported for both the funneled and deepfunneled versions of the images.

This project uses kerosene to produce a fuel comptable hdf5 file that is usable by blocks or keras.

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From the included example

from keras.models import Sequential
from lfw_fuel import lfw

# the data, shuffled and split between train and test sets
(X_train, y_train), (X_test, y_test) = lfw.load_data(format="deepfunneled")

# (build the perfect model here), Y_train, show_accuracy=True, validation_data=(X_test, Y_test))
score = model.evaluate(X_test, Y_test, show_accuracy=True, verbose=0)

The features are currently stored in six channels - three for each of the two RGB images to be compared.

Note that the images are 250x250 - which is quite large by most CNN standards. These can be cropped and scaled before passing them to the network as shown in the example.

What's this dataset all about again?

The primary task of Labeled Faces in the Wild is to learn wheather the face in two pictures are the same person, or two different people. There are 2200 training pairs and 1000 test pairs in the predefined split.

Here are three matching training pairs:

Image 1 Image 2 Status
Aaron_Peirsol_0003 Aaron_Peirsol_0004 MATCH
Aaron_Sorkin_0001 Aaron_Sorkin_0002 MATCH
Abdel_Nasser_Assidi_0001 Abdel_Nasser_Assidi_0002 MATCH

And here are three non-matching training pairs

Image 1 Image 2 Status
Lee_Nam-shin_0001 Nick_Nolte_0001 DIFFERENT
Lee_Soo-hyuck_0001 Scott_Sullivan_0001 DIFFERENT
Lee_Yeo-jin_0001 Mariangel_Ruiz_Torrealba_0001 DIFFERENT

In addition, this dataset is provided in both this raw format, and at least two "preprocessed" versions called funneled and deepfunneled. Often these are very similar, but here is an example of how they can differ.

Original Funneled Deep Funneled
Amelia_Vega_0004 Amelia_Vega_0004 Funneled Amelia_Vega_0004 Deep Funneled

On the LFW page you can browse the complete training set or the complete test set and see all three versions of all images.


There is an included example of how to train a network using keras for this task. To run this example from the repo:

$ python example/

This should run the example, downloading the dataset if necessary.

Note that currently the example runs, but the performance is poor. Suggestions or merge requests improving this example certainly welcome.


Installation is optional - if kerosene is installed then simply clone the repo and run the example script. However, installation is an option so that the lfw_fuel dependency can be used from the path, which can be useful if you'd like to use this dataset in your own blocks or keras project.

python install

You can also rebuild the hdf5 files from scratch by running the kero-download and kero-convert scripts, which are currently part of the kerosene installation. For example:

kero-download lfw_fuel/
kero-convert lfw_fuel/

This will convert the original version of lfw, but funneled and deepfunneled formats are also supported:

kero-download lfw_fuel/ --format deepfunneled
kero-convert lfw_fuel/ --format deepfunneled
