@ -1,56 +1,151 @@
@@ -1,56 +1,151 @@
- rebuild the tsai phase3 tables without
- update # of moves in the misc files and the README
DONE - 4x4x4
DONE - 5x5x5
DONE - 6x6x6
- 7x7x7
- TPR solver
- Testing with the following
- TPR reduces centers in 26 moves
- https://alg.cubing.net/?puzzle=4x4x4&setup=F2-_U-_F2-_D_U-_F2-_D_L2-_U2-_B-_D-_R_F-_D_B-_L-_B_F_L-_R_Uw_L-_B_D-_L_B-_Uw-_B-_Dw_B2-_L_U_D-_B2-_L-_Dw-_R_U-_B_R_D-_Rw_B2-_D_R-_B_D-_B_Rw-_F2-_D-_Fw2-_L_Dw2-_F_L_Bw2-_D-_Lw_U-_Lw-_Dw-_F-_Bw_U_Lw2-_Uw2-_R-_Uw&alg=Rw2_B_R-_Fw-_L-_Uw_Rw_%2F%2F_end_of_phase1%0AUw-_Rw2_B_R2_Uw_R-_%2F%2F_end_of_phase2%0AB-_F-_Fw2_R_B-_Uw2_R_U2_B-_Uw2_R-_Rw2_Uw2_x-_y2_%2F%2F_end_of_phase3
- where mine takes 34 moves
- The difference is the TPR solver finds 10k phase1 solutions and keeps the best 500 (the
ones with the lowest phase2 centers heuristic). It then searches for a phase2 solution
for those 500 phase1 solutions, it does this by starting with a very low IDA threshold
and incrementing it by one after trying to find a solution for all 500 scenarios. It then
keeps the best 100 phase2 solutions and does the same basic process for finding the best
phase2 + phase3 combo.
I am unable to get phase2 to run fast enough to do this though. TPR does some pruning
that I do not understand. This is the skipAxis2 stuff...need to wrap my head around this.
Note that my phase1 does EO where all edges are oriented correctly. I do this just to speed
up phase2 where it is looking for edges to be EO but in any orientation.
Long term I think bidir IDA is the way to go here, we could just combine phase 1 and phase 2
(which the TPR solver is somewhat doing)
- rebuild the tsai phase3 tables with the following illegal moves
'illegal' : ("Lw", "Lw'", "Lw2",
"Bw", "Bw'", "Bw2",
"Dw", "Dw'", "Dw2"),
phase3 for this cube takes ~90s...test with this one.
- build the 4900 tables for 6x6x6 LFRB centers
2017-12-22 07:38:36,659 LookupTable.py INFO: 4x4x4-step70-tsai-phase3: IDA found match 8 steps in, f_cost 14 (8 + 6)
2017-12-22 07:38:36,659 LookupTable.py INFO: 4x4x4-step70-tsai-phase3: IDA threshold 13, explored 74412 branches, took 0:01:04.261351 (0:01:28.678691 total)
- tsai...need something better
- tsai phase3 takes a while in large part due to calculating symmetry states. We could rebuild the table one move less
but skip doing sym...it might be a net win and the lookup table would be smaller.
- 6x6x6 LR edge pairing build 70 tables and merge them
- This is after they have already been staged and we are pairing them up. When we
pair them up we are forcing them to their final position but that isn't needed.
- cpu-normal phase1 stages all centers but I often see "it leads to OLL" scrolling by. We could
build parity specific tables to help with this.
- Do the same for FB prune table
- If we did EO as part of phase2 (solving the centers) would it reduce the number of moves to pair edges?
- My guess is no, we are already at an avg of 25.82 steps for pairing edges which is pretty darn
good considering all of the centers are solved.
- Add "cube.cpu_mode = 'tsai'" to test.py and run this overnight
time ./utils/test.py --test-cubes utils/test_cubes.json.small --size 4x4x4
- B-Trees...this will benefit all searches
- when this is done delete LookupTableIDA666UDObliqueEdgePairing and keep LookupTableIDA666CpuMaxUDObliqueEdgePairing
- when this is done delete LookupTableIDA555CpuMinUDCentersStage and keep LookupTableIDA555UDCentersStage
- that will eliminate all of the "fake move" crazyness
- edge pairing is still awful...revisit lookup tables but with pattern2 approach
- see ac5a482e45315345db438b61887c240e5e6732d1
- tsai today is
- stage UD centers
- stage LR centers (and in turn FB)
- phase2 starts (solve LR centers and do EO)
- TPR solver
- how the hell does it work so fast?
- ideas
- before we start IDA we could see which EO edge mapping gives us the
shortest edge heuristic and stick with that one. We would need to go
back to the 0 line dummy table and
Or we could build out a small lookup table (say 3 moves deep) for that
one edge mapping.
- xyzzy's 5x5x5 solver. It is a variation of the TPR solver so need to understand TPR first.
- he does an EO (edge orientation) step. If all larger solvers that use 5x5x5 for edge
pairing could also do EO then maybe we could toss the edge pairing code...there is a
ton of it and it is hideous.
- bidir IDA search
- I need to understand how the TPR solver works before I spend time on bidir IDA
- would allow us to find slighly shorter solutions than we do today
- may potentially allow us tackle much larger IDA searches...TBD
we could save a lot of steps by doing
- stage UD centers
- phase2 (solve LR centers and do EO)
- could always build the full LRFB prube table (165 million entries) if IDA is slow
- tsai phase3 needs to be finished
- pair edges at LB, LF, RB, RF
- LFRB centers must be vertical strips
- tsai phase4
- restrict F, F', B, B' to preserved the 4 edges
- solve centers and finish reduction
- This cube hits OLL:
Once fixed comment out the prevent_OLL() call in __init__.py
- Something to explore...stage the centers and then solve them via bidir IDA.
Today we reduce the centers to 5x5x5 and use that solver but it ends up
taking us ~100 steps to solve the centers. We would need to add a phase just
after step40 that stages the outer x-centers (today this happens via 5x5x5
centers solver). It takes us ~34 steps to get to the end of step40...so guess
roughly 45 moves to get the centers staged. We would build a fake_555 and use
it to stage the outer x-centers.
Once all sides are staged there are 4 groups of 8!/(4!*4!) per side so to
solve ULF (which would also solve RBD) would be (8!/(4!*4!))^12 or
13,841,287,201,000,000,000,000...that doesn't seem feasible.
Solving just U (in turn solves D) would be (8!/(4!*4!))^4 or 24,010,000
Solving L and F (in turn solve R and B) would be (8!/(4!*4!))^8 or
576,480,100,000,000 but with two 24,010,000 prune tables for a ratio
of 0.000 000 041 6493128
step80 LFRB appears to be hanging on this one:
- Add support in prevent_OLL()
bidirectional IDA
- would open a lot of doors in terms of tackling much larger IDA searches
- first to try is staging all 5x5x5 centers via one phase
- second to try is staging all 5x5x5 centers via one phase
- combine phases 1 and 2 of tsai?
- start from a solved cube and work your way back to the scrambled cube
- requires us to build prune tables for each scrambled cube
- for 4x4x4 staging centers we can do this in XYZ minutes in python
- for 4x4x4 staging centers we can do this in ~20 minutes in python
- if we only build it out 4 steps deep we can do it in ~20s
- so this would have to be done in C and even then it would still
take some time. I think this is a strategy that could only be
@ -59,9 +154,13 @@
@@ -59,9 +154,13 @@
B-Tree notes
- B-Tree will benefit all searches
- optimaly load the B-Trees
- support for loading the first two levels in memory and finding the rest on disk
- Once the two bullets above are done we should be able to find a key via
@ -100,7 +199,7 @@ B-Tree notes
@@ -100,7 +199,7 @@ B-Tree notes
- Test this against slow 6x6x6 UD oblique:
2017-12-17 09:52:42,776 RubiksCube666.py INFO: UD inner x-centers staged, 5 steps in
@ -113,19 +212,16 @@ B-Tree notes
@@ -113,19 +212,16 @@ B-Tree notes
This search takes about 5 million seek() calls when using binary search...the seeks are the top bottleneck thus the need to move to B-Trees
misc notes
- ida_search() needs to return all of the results at that theshold
Test on this one, 5x5x5-step20-LR-centers-stage finds a solution 12 steps long but I know there is one
that is 10 steps long (I found it via AStar)
I have a partial patch for this (patches/ida_solutions_use_best.patch) but it needs some work.
We need to pseudo combine multiple phases to get shorter solutions. For example
we need to find multiple solutions for staging UD centers and then for each of those find multiple
solutions for staging LR centers and keep the one that allows us to solve the 5x5x5 centers in the
least number of steps. That is a lot of IDA searches though so this all has to happen after
the bplustree work is done.
This is another slow one
2017-12-24 07:20:07,314 __init__.py INFO:
2017-12-24 07:20:07,319 RubiksCube666.py INFO: UD inner x-centers staged, 5 steps in
2017-12-24 07:20:07,320 LookupTable.py INFO: 6x6x6-step20-UD-oblique-edge-pairing: IDA threshold range 6->99
2017-12-24 07:20:07,327 LookupTable.py INFO: 6x6x6-step20-UD-oblique-edge-pairing: IDA threshold 6, explored 42 branches, took 6ms
2017-12-24 07:20:07,471 LookupTable.py INFO: 6x6x6-step20-UD-oblique-edge-pairing: IDA threshold 7, explored 1162 branches, took 144ms
2017-12-24 07:20:10,826 LookupTable.py INFO: 6x6x6-step20-UD-oblique-edge-pairing: IDA threshold 8, explored 30442 branches, took 0:00:03.354795
2017-12-24 07:21:30,345 LookupTable.py INFO: 6x6x6-step20-UD-oblique-edge-pairing: IDA threshold 9, explored 810242 branches, took 0:01:19.518391
2017-12-24 07:22:40,802 LookupTable.py INFO: 6x6x6-step20-UD-oblique-edge-pairing: IDA found match 8 steps in, f_cost 11 (8 + 3)
2017-12-24 07:22:40,802 LookupTable.py INFO: 6x6x6-step20-UD-oblique-edge-pairing: IDA threshold 10, explored 793725 branches, took 0:01:10.457381 (0:02:33.482832 total)
2017-12-24 07:22:40,802 RubiksCube666.py INFO: UD oblique edges paired, 20 steps in