Charles Reid charlesreid1

How do I start with Jupyter? What are some usability tricks with Jupyer? What are some cool notebook extensions? How do I run R code in a Jupyter notebook? How do I run Julia? Java? C?

Updated 6 years ago

How do I use mkdocs to get pretty documentation from Markdown files with zero effort?

Updated 6 years ago

How do I use mutt to slay my email?

Updated 6 years ago

How does OAuth work? What are the three legs of the three-legged authentication process? How do you do OAuth locally? remotely? in a browser? in a shell?

Updated 6 years ago

🇨🇭 How do I use pandoc, the swiss army knife for documents?

Updated 6 years ago

How do I use pelican to set up a static site?

Updated 6 years ago

How do I use pyenv to manage multiple python versions? How do I install it? How do I automate installation?

Updated 6 years ago

How do I get my project onto Pypi?

Updated 6 years ago

🐍 How do I write snakemake workflows? How do I write snakemake rules? What are some common snakemake patterns? How do I write a snakemake command line wrapper?

Updated 6 years ago

How do I use tmux to supercharge the shell?

Updated 6 years ago

How do I use vim to be more productive?

Updated 6 years ago

Updated 6 years ago

Java 0 0

Solutions to programming problems from the International Competitive Programming Competition World Finals.

Updated 7 years ago

This repository is mainly an old parking spot for imaginary twitterbot friends. They're all in new projects now.

Updated 7 years ago

JavaScript 0 0

Plain text files containing the content of each inaugural address. Metadata about speeches in separate files.

Updated 6 years ago