Yet Another Repository in Git with Dotfiles (deprecated; see )

Updated 7 years ago

The wisko manual

Updated 4 years ago

Dotfiles for wisko

Updated 7 years ago data

Updated 6 years ago

Scripts for listening to wifi traffic, and handling the resulting data.

Updated 7 years ago

Scripts to run a fake AP.

Updated 7 years ago

using whoosh to search a pile of markdown

Updated 6 years ago

Plain vanilla dotfiles repository.

Updated 6 years ago

BeautifulSoup to scrape the Ulysses Page by Page blog (

Updated 7 years ago

Solve, time, and profile programs solving the traveling salesperson problem in various languages. Solution relies on use of graph object.

Updated 7 years ago

Tripos Bot - for weekly math WTF.

Updated 6 years ago

A pandoc tool to translate yer Markdown docs

Updated 6 years ago

A robot that creates a Twilio menu to play audio files.

Updated 7 years ago

Hostfiles for various machines using Tinc VPN.

Updated 2 years ago

the simplest, tiniest python package with a flask app bundled with it.

Updated 6 years ago

A repository of scripts for scraping academic papers from the web.

Updated 6 years ago

Javascript subway maps

Updated 6 years ago

Markdown 0 0

Computer science study plan.

Updated 7 years ago

bootstrap templates for spotify playlists

Updated 2 years ago

Analysis of a high-res smartphone sensor data set of time series.

Updated 7 years ago