storing a boolean? that simple? customize the output of the search result
based on a boolean? yes, that simple
if so, how do we pass off a search result to a template conditionally,
such that we can save some space (jinja question) just an {% if is_commment %}
these two are gonna take a while.
mapping out how to change the schema... now, how do we streamline it?
how to organize files
fix stuff that isn't mine:
improve the readme
fix the config file options
enable user to specify list of organizations+repos
not just one org/list of repos
preparing v0.2
- [x] storing comments and issues as separate objects?
- <s>storing a boolean? that simple? customize the output of the search result
based on a boolean?</s> yes, that simple
- <s>if so, how do we pass off a search result to a template conditionally,
such that we can save some space (jinja question)</s> just an `{% if is_commment %}`
- these two are gonna take a while.
- [ ] mapping out how to change the schema... now, how do we streamline it?
- [ ] how to organize files
fix stuff that isn't mine:
- [x] improve the readme
- [x] fix the config file options
- [x] enable user to specify list of organizations+repos
- not just one org/list of repos
readme has a good rundown of where you have to go when changing the schema:
add document method
search method
schema definition at top
search jinja template
readme has a good rundown of where you have to go when changing the schema:
- add document method
- search method
- schema definition at top
- search jinja template
preparing v0.2
storing a boolean? that simple? customize the output of the search resultyes, that simplebased on a boolean?
if so, how do we pass off a search result to a template conditionally,just ansuch that we can save some space (jinja question)
{% if is_commment %}
fix stuff that isn't mine:
readme has a good rundown of where you have to go when changing the schema:
Right now, user specifies an organization and a list of repos.
We could do a list of org/repo repos, but hey, whaddyagunnadoboutit