* better-tests: (22 commits)
update readme instructions
add a slightly harder test
switch to python build env. no material change yet.
commit to lilic/travis-minikube kube-1.12 branch
switch to an easier task. if this build fails it is the version numbers causing problems.
implement coredns fixes, kubectl apply, and byok8s into travis tests
fix flag
fix flags and remote provider approach: force s3
updating tests with yml files to fix k8s dns container
add kube-system DNS fix
moving snakefile
fix how snakefile is being dealt with.
update requirements for kubernetes, snakemake, s3
bump k8s version, 1.9->1.10
update byok8s test - test all workflows
update snakefile zeta workflow
add byok8s tests - WIP
make travis use python
call byok8s from .travis.yml
fix workflow labels in readme
* update travis.yml to reset to master LiliC/travis-minikube
* start k8s from test/
* fix workflow labels in readme
* call byok8s from .travis.yml
* make travis use python
* add byok8s tests - WIP
* update snakefile zeta workflow
* update byok8s test - test all workflows
* bump k8s version, 1.9->1.10
* update requirements for kubernetes, snakemake, s3
* fix how snakefile is being dealt with.
* moving snakefile
* add kube-system DNS fix
* updating tests with yml files to fix k8s dns container
* fix flags and remote provider approach: force s3
* fix flag
* implement coredns fixes, kubectl apply, and byok8s into travis tests
* switch to an easier task. if this build fails it is the version numbers causing problems.
* commit to lilic/travis-minikube kube-1.12 branch
* switch to python build env. no material change yet.
* add a slightly harder test
* update travis.yml to reset to master LiliC/travis-minikube
* start k8s from test/
* fix workflow labels in readme
* call byok8s from .travis.yml
* make travis use python
* k8:
update hello/goodbye/amy/beth to alpha/gamma/red/blue
update redame
update travis to use minikube
update readme with vm-driver setting
update instructions
update gitignore
add python-kubernetes to requirements file
update readme quickstart description
update readme with byok8s command line flag updates
update cli command to use snakemake + kubernetes
add notes to readme